Saturday 23 June 2012

Cara Del Dia

So I went on holiday for a few days to Barcelona, and here's one look I wore during that time:

I wanted something fun and colourful, while at the same time looking light (heavy make-up is a no-no in the heat). I would usually wear a tinted moisturiser in the heat as it's more lightweight and low-maintenance, but as I've been having redness issues I opted for my full-coverage Mac foundation (which actually lasted surprisingly well).

This isn't the clearest picture, but on my eyes I had a shimmery green/blue in the inner corner, a shimmery champagne patted onto the lid, and a shimmery purple in the outer corner and crease. I kept my brows defined but not too strong, and added a shimmery pink/gold blush and a clear peach lipgloss, for a summery feel.

Products Used:

Mac Studio Sculpt Foundation in NC42
Sleek Blush in Rose Gold

Too Faced Shadow Insurance Primer
Rimmel Soft Kohl Eyeliner in Jet Black
Collection 2000 Fast Stroke Eyeliner in Black
Rimmel Glam Eyes Quad Eyeshadow in Smokey Brun, 2nd lightest shade
MUA Eyeshadow Palette in Glamour Days - Top Row, 2nd and 3rd from left

Soap & Glory Sexy Motherpucker Lip Gloss in Pink Apricot

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Jubilee Face of the Day!

Diamond Jubilee time! I celebrated with a Jubilee picnic, so I decided to try out a Jubilee-themed make-up look!

For my eyes, I of course used red, white and blue: shimmery white/cream patted over the eyelid, bright shimmery blue in the edge and crease, and two reds by the lashline (a lighter one in the inner corner blended into a darker one moving outwards).

For my lips, I went with a bright, glossy red. I lined my lips with a red lipliner, then added a fire engine red lipstick, and finished with a sheer red lipgloss for a really glossy vibrant finish.

I added a little rouge to my cheeks, and used a mineral shimmer powder to highlight rather than the usual cream illuminator (to give a more glittery, shimmery finish).

Products I used:

Mac Studio Sculpt Foundation in NC42
Mac Cream Colour Base in Fabulush
Bellapierre Shimmer Powder in Champagne

Too Faced Shadow Insurance Primer
Rimmel Soft Kohl Eyeliner in Jet Black
Collection 2000 Fast Stroke Eyeliner in Black
Too Faced Eyeshadow in Silk Teddy
Famous by Sue Moxley Eye Collection in No Dull Moment
Coastal Scents 88 Original Palette, 9th Column 5th Row and 9th Column 8th Row
L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes in Extra Black

Rimmel Exaggerate Lipliner in Red Diva
Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipstick in Signature Red
Lip Rock Lipgloss in Ruby

Happy Jubilee! x x x

Monday 4 June 2012

Make-up for Dry Skin

So, I have really dry skin, which can be problematic when it comes to applying make-up. I'm sure lots of other people have dry skin to, to varying degrees, so here are some tips I've picked up when it comes to applying make-up on dry skin:

1) Moisturise!
Obvious, but critical. Before you apply any make-up, make sure your skin is fully hydrated. It's best to apply moisturiser in thin layers - Apply a little, wait for it to sink in, apply another layer, etc.

2) Skip a face primer
Most primers I've tried, even those marketed for dry skin, have a drying effect (probably due to large amount of silicones they commonly have). If you have dry skin, your foundation is less likely to slip and slide on your face and therefore you're less likely to need a primer anyway. If you do skip the primer, it could be worth looking for a long-wearing foundation, as you're not getting the boost in wear-time a primer provides.

3) Pick the right foundation
Skip anything oil-free (your skin needs that oil!) or that claims to be mattifying. I'm currently using Mac's Studio Sculpt foundation, which is gel-based, full-coverage and moderately hydrating. Sometimes I mix it with a little moisturiser to boost its moisturising capacity. 
Dry skin can easily make foundation look cakey, so to avoid over-applying, apply in thin layers until you've achieved the coverage you want (I like to buff it in with a stippling brush).
Many people swear by powder foundation, but I'd recommend skipping it if your skin is dry, as it can easily crease and look caked-on.

4) Try a tinted moisturiser
If you're looking for light coverage, a tinted moisturiser may be perfect. It will still probably be necessary to moisturise before applying one, and they vary in the amount of hydration they provide. The best by far, in my experience, is the Bobbi Brown Extra Tinted Moisturising Balm. Bobbi Brown's Extra range is designed specifically for people with dry to very dry skin, and works great on my skin (although this may give an overly dewy finish for those with only slightly dry skin). They also carry a medium/buildable coverage foundation, which would be worth checking out for those with very dry skin.

5) Try cream products
Conventional wisdom says that cream products are better for people with dry skin (blushes, shadows etc), but that doesn't mean you have to shy away from powder products completely. Using only cream products can often be quite limiting - there are plenty of great cream blushes out there (such as Mac's Cream Colour Base in Fabulush - a quirky shade of red with gold shimmer), however cream eyeshadows can be difficult to blend together and to find an equivalent range of shades as the powder ones. 
My typical eye routine involves applying a primer (vital for long-lasting, non-creasing shadows - I find that moisturising means my eye area is sometimes too oily and slippy, so without a primer eyeshadow would crease horribly), then a cream base (such as a Mac Paint Pot) to "lock in" the moisture, then applying powder shadow over that.

6) Bad skin? Shy away from shimmer
Sometimes skin can be very dry/flaky/sensitive, and when it's not looking its best, shimmery products will only highlight imperfections.

7) Exfoliate regularly
Use a gentle facial and lip scrub to exfoliate your skin regularly. People with dry skin will tend to have more dead skin cells and flakiness, which needs to be removed. I've been using Soap and Glory's The Greatest Scrub Of All.

8) The wear-time/hydration tradeoff
The more moisturising a lip product is, the shorter the wear time is (generally). If you don't mind re-applying frequently, products such as the Elf Mineral Moisturising Lip Tints are a good idea. However, if you want something that lasts more than a couple of hours, I would recommend trying out a lip stain/lip balm combination. My experiences with lip stain marker pens have all been horrible - they dry out quickly and tend to look streaky on the lips, but Elf Studio Lip Stains (a liquid formula you apply like a gloss) and Stila Crush Lip and Cheek Stains (liquid also) are really long-wearing and apply beautifully. I would apply the lip stain onto dry, unmoisturised lips, let it sink in and dry down, and then apply lip balm over. Then you can reapply the lip balm as needed throughout the day, in the knowledge that your lips will look as pretty as they did in the morning.

That's all I can think of for now!
:) x x

Face of the Day (again)!

I went to a birthday party yesterday, so I decided to do something a bit fun!

I stuck with my bold lip - a berry colour achieved by using a lip marker pen - an awful product but a lovely shade. I tried to make the colour 'pop' even more by layering Benefit's Benetint over it, but having forgot to line my lips it feathered awfully! Oh well, you live you learn...

For my eyes I incorporated colours from my outfit (a blue/green playsuit), but I didn't want to go overboard. I patted a champagne colour over the lid then blended in a bright shimmery blue in from the edge and into my crease, and added a green-blue next to the lower lashline. My brow highlight shade was a super shimmery pearly white, which isn't too visible in this photo but was super good at defining my arches!

The blue, green and white shadows were all from one Famous by Sue Moxley quad, and I'd definitely recommend them! In this palette at least, the shadows are super pigmented, super shimmery, and extremely blendable.

I didn't add any blush because I felt like there was already a lot going on, and I didn't want my face to look too fake/cakey. Plus I flush really easily...

Products used:

Mac Studio Sculpt Foundation in NC42

Too Faced Shadow Insurance Primer
Rimmel Soft Kohl Eyeliner in Jet Black
Collection 2000 Fast Stroke Eyeliner in Black
Famous by Sue Moxley Eye Collection in No Dull Moment
Rimmel Glam Eyes Quad Eyeshadow in Smokey Brun, 2nd lightest shade
L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes Mascara in Extra Black

MaxFactor Lipfinity Lasting Lip Tint in 06
Benefit Benetint

Face of the Day!

Since I dyed my hair green I've found that I need to change how I do my make-up.

My go-to day look used to be a smoky eye paired with a nude lip, but now I find a bold lip (and muted eye) provides a neat contrast with my hair.

Here I wore a matte taupe eyeshadow on my lid, with a mid-brown in the crease, and a liquid eyeliner flick. I lined my lips with bright red liner, then toned the shade down with a slick of muted red lipstick with gold shimmer. I added a bit of bronzer and a touch of mauve blush to complete the look!

Products used:

Mac Studio Sculpt Foundation in NC42
Famous by Sue Moxley Baked Bronze in Hawaii
Elf Mineral Blush in Plum

Too Faced Shadow Insurance Primer
Rimmel Soft Kohl Liner in Jet Black
Collection 2000 Fast Stroke Eyeliner in Black
Mac Eyeshadow in Omega
Mac Eyeshadow in Espresso
Too Faced Eyeshadow in Silk Teddy
L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes Mascara in Extra Black

Rimmel Exaggerate Lipliner in Red Diva
Elf Studio Lipstick in Royal Red